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Atlantic Packaging Fitbit Challenge Recap

The Atlantic Packaging Fitbit Challenge is complete and the results are truly astounding.
278,039,638 Steps!
630 Pounds Lost!

And so much more…

Our goal in implementing a wellness program was first and foremost to benefit our employees and encourage health and wellness. We felt that by keeping the well-being of our employees at the forefront of the challenge and ensuring that they were getting real benefits from the program, they would experience ongoing, long term, potentially life changing health benefits.

Some of the Fitbit program requirements at Atlantic Packaging included participating in a 6-month walking challenge, meeting with a health coach, participating in biometric screenings, and keeping records of their exercise and eating habits.

The amazing health improvements we saw as a result of the Fitbit Challenge included employees who quit smoking; employees who never exercised before who were now running their first 5K, 10K and even Half Marathons; employees with high triglyceride levels who were cutting those levels in half; employees who changed their diets and exercise habits for the better.

Employees lost weight, improved their overall health, feel better, look better, and have more energy. This challenge has been a great success for Atlantic Packaging employees and for the company as a whole.

“The Fitbit program has not just changed my routine, it’s changed my life.” — Rosalind Allen, Reception

Another huge benefit of the program was the grand prize, a 2014 Jeep Wrangler! A huge congratulations to our grand prize winner, Marian Mercer. Watch the Fitbit Challenge Jeep Giveaway Winner Announcement – Live.

The health and wellness program we implemented has truly been a huge success and we are so excited about the dedication and commitment to lifelong good heath from our employees.

Watch our earlier video detailing more Fitbit successes at Atlantic Packaging: Our Fitbit Success Story – Atlantic Packaging. You can also learn more about the challenge at the blog.
